Sunday, March 2, 2014

Princess Week Part 1...Another Mother Runner Party and The Expo...

So I flew into Orlando on Wednesday the 19th.  I couldn't wait to get away from this ridiculous cold and snowy weather.  The flight went smoothly and I waited in the warm sunshine for my best friend April's husband to pick me up.  Life was good.  Never mind I had two races looming that I really wasn't ready for.  I WAS IN FLORIDA!!!
I waited in April's house until she got home from school.  I was so excited to be there.  We quickly went and picked up her daughter, Giannah from school and went on our merry way of hanging out and getting coffee and a late lunch.
Later that evening we went to Another Mother Runner's Orlando party.
 (  I was super excited when I found out they were doing a party in Orlando and I made April and her friend Pricilla sign up to go with me.  It was held at Fit2Run at the Florida Mall. We got a really cool swag bag with Sofsole Socks and Action Wipes among other fun stuff in it.  We didn't win any giveaways but we had a good time and even got a pic with Dimity.  (Yes she is that tall and I  told April I wouldn't post this pic but it is my only one so sorry April!!)

Me, Dimity and April...
Sarah and Dimity from Another Mother Runner...
After all of the goods were given away and we drank our drinks and ate our food, we rolled out of there.  They are having another party in Philly in April.  I hope that Kristen and I get chosen to go to that one too.  If anyone is interested in going, go onto their website and hit "join us" and "AMR in person."  This was a good start to a fun running week.
The next day April drove to her class and I took her car to go to the expo.  It was about a 35 minute drive to ESPN at Disney.  By the time I got there and waited in line for our bibs and shirts, and then the line for the runDisney merchandise I wanted,  I knew I wouldn't have much time to shop at the expo and then hit Downtown Disney for my oh so important Ghiradelli's chocolate milkshake.  The plan was for me to get our bibs etc and after we picked Giannah up from school we would head back to the expo for April to shop too.  Well glad we did because by the time I got all of our stuff and waited in line twice for runDisney merchandise (yes twice because they didn't have everything I wanted in the first building so I had to get it at the second building), I pretty much had to roll to pick April up.  runDisney has this thing down to a science though.  The longest lines I waited in were for the runDisney stuff.  The lines for bib pick up and shirts were not too long. 
The good thing was, I already did the time consuming stuff.  So when we returned it was all shopping for us.  Of course, the lines for the runDisney merchandise were now short and they still had all of the stuff that I bought.  Oh well.  It was time well spent...I guess. 
So I wanted to buy a blue sparkle skirt from and a sparkle visor from to complete my Cinderella outfit for the half.  I planned on being Tinkerbell again for the 10k since I already had that get up from what else...Tink.  Ha Ha.  April was Belle for both of the races but she had a really cool tutu made from somebody on etsy and she wanted a skirt for the 10k.  So she bought her skirt and visor from sparkle athletic.  We looked around at the other vendors.  I have to say I really love how the shirts from Raw Threads feel.  One day I will buy one for my next running costume.  (More to come on that later!!!!  I can pretty much say it won't be a stinking princess.)  But if you need a princess, etc top, they are awesome. 
Cindy and I...if only that is how I looked when I was running the half.
Not one but two Princes...April didn't want to take a pic with them so I guess they are both mine!!!
April and I at the expo...
I am pretty sure Giannah was ready to go...
So that was Day 2 of Florida.  We were all ready for the races.  Well at least our costumes were ready.


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