Friday, December 13, 2013

Angels Are Watching

My plan for today was simple-finish Christmas shopping.  It seemed easy enough-sure it was cold and I was going to have to get in and out of the car 100 times, but one day to get it all done was definitely manageable.

So here I was 4 stops in and getting ready for the next shopping area.  I had just gotten onto 30W in Lancaster.  I'm driving along with traffic at a quick pace when all of a sudden there is something enormous in the road in front of me.  A quick check into my mirrors let me know there was no avoiding whatever this was.  I ran over it and immediately knew that at 38 years old, I have my first flat tire.  I change lanes and get pulled over into the breakdown lane.  Once my heart rate returns to somewhat normal, I see that 4 or 5 other cars also have hit the same thing that I did.  I call the husband who tells me to call AAA.  Before calling, I check to make sure only one tire is flat-thankfully just one!  AAA gives me a wait time of 45 minutes.  I think to myself 2 things-at least I don't have any kids in the car and I wonder if I should pull up to the exit that's 1/4 mile in front of me.  Anything seems safer than sitting here for the next 45 minutes.

As I contemplate what to do and search frantically for the one thing my husband told me never to lose no matter what (the lug-nut), I happen to look into the rear-view mirror and notice a mini-van slowing down.  I think-wow that would be so great if someone would stop and help me.  Now, while all this is going on, all the other cars that had pulled over have disappeared.  I have no idea where they went, but I am sitting on 30 by myself.  Anyway, the mini-van stops and a man gets out and approaches me.  He asks if he can help.

I tell him I have called AAA but I would love the help.  I also tell him that I have no idea how to change a tire-period.  Seriously, I've been driving for 22 years and have never been in a situation where I have needed to change a tire or even have had a flat.

Anyway, I show him where the wonderful people of Honda have decided would be a good place for a spare.  This is the reason I would never be able to attempt to change a tire-I would not even be able to get the spare out of the middle of the van.  Mr. Stranger has it out in no time.  He asks me where the jack is.  I say, "With the spare?"  Where else would it be?  Just to be clear-it's not with the spare.

We halfheartedly look in the trunk-I know it's not there, although apparently there is some secret compartment back there that holds the jack.  Mr. Stranger goes and gets his.  I sit back in my car because I really don't want to get hit by the trucks whizzing by me.  He jacks it up and starts changing it.  I sort of hide my eyes because he is literally changing my driver side front tire with cars going 60-70 miles an hour past him.  I am not pulled over too far because of snow.  I really fear for this man's life who so kindly stopped to help me.

Meanwhile, in my rear-view I see 2 state troopers pulled up along the road cleaning up whatever it was that slashed my tire.  They eventually make their way up to my van and pull over enough in the lane to block it and give Mr. Stranger a little room to change my flat.  Thankfully, they stay until we are all done.

All of a sudden Mr. Stranger tells me he wants to show me something.  I get out and I kid you not, right there with 2 state troopers blocking the road, cars and trucks speeding past, I get my very first lesson on how to properly change a tire.  I would have laughed out loud right there if I wasn't so shocked by the whole situation.

Anyway, after talking to Heidi later, she brought me back to reality and informed me that my weak biceps would never get the spare out in the first place much less be able to loosen and tighten the lug-nuts properly so the lesson was really not needed.

I continued on my way, but by then the fun was over and I just made the stops that were critical and came home.  The husband is generally disgusted by the way I go through brakes on the van and when he called our tire guy was shocked to learn that I haven't gotten tires since 2009, so not an overly big deal to replace them now. 

I am humbled by the kindness of this stranger and am thankful that God puts people in your place for a reason.  So to this stranger who stopped to help me today-thank you.
Mother Teresa Quote

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