Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Day Late


Heidi and I decided to use the month of November focused on gratitude along with the numerous other bloggers out there in the blogosphere.  Sadly, we are starting a day late, but really better late than never right?  
I would wake up with my Children, my grand-children, my health, a roof over my head and food to eat.  I thank God for these things every day.

To start, I am thankful for all my wonderful friends.  There is nothing like a reaffirming phone call, bike ride chats, conversations around a fire to refresh your soul.  I pray every day that my daughter has at least one good friend that she can travel through life with.  I would be a completely different person without the love from my friends and I am thankful to them every day.  
 Friendship quotesMy very best friend, I met while in kindergarten-we rode the bus together every day with our driver Terry Blueberry.  We have been through everything together-weddings, deaths, the birth of our babies.  And though I can say we have argued and even spent months of our lives fighting over stupid things we will never stop being there for each other.  She is the first person I call with good news and the first person with all the ugliness life has to offer.  Talking with her puts things in perspective and though things may not look better, I am better for having talked to her.  
4 of our babies when they were still babies!

  Today I will be thankful for all my friends, but especially Carly the best friend for me!

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