Monday, October 14, 2013

Something About Nothing...

So it has been a week since we did our "fun" triathlon.  Let me tell you what I've done since....basically nothing.  Nothing on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and even Friday.  Why you ask???  No idea.  I have been slow at work and perhaps that has made me very lazy.  Oh wait, I think I may have walked the dog on one of those days.  So that counts, right??  In all fairness, my leg is still swollen from "the incident" in the canoe.  But...I think I could have rolled myself to the gym to do something.  I didn't.  What can I say...I lost over a pound though.  Don't ask me how.
Finally on Saturday I decided to run 2 miles then walk with the dog.  (It is starting to become a habit.  Don't tell anyone.)  It was awful.  Going from having a really awesome week of exercise to doing nothing is not fun.  It took a lot of pushing from Kristen to get me out there.  You see, Sunday was looming and I was supposed to do a 12 mile run.  I have to keep my distance and endurance up for the Tinkerbell Half in January.  I can't let that go.  It was way too hard to get there. 
So I ran 2 miles.  The first one was one of my speedier one's.  Not too awful, I guess.  Sunday came and I drove to the Chester Valley trail in Malvern.  I haven't run on that trail in a while and since I had 12 to do, I figured this trail is longer than the Struble so why not??  (Yes I drive 40 minutes away to get to flat ground!!)
It was a very windy run!!!  I had to keep doubling back to add extra miles to my run.  I knew if I added extra in the beginning I wouldn't have a choice but to run further than 8.5 miles.  I got to 10.5.  I couldn't possibly add anymore.  (I knew I wouldn't add them at the end.)  Oh well.  Sometimes you just have to say, "it is what it is."  And then go home.  It was a beautiful morning though.  I even stopped (there's a surprise) to take a picture...
Chester Valley Trail
I don't know what is worse, running endless, hilly circles around my hood or running down a paved path forever.  Really, the only place I LOVED running was Disney World.  Let's be real.  Running is just not always that great.  Disney World is always GREAT!!  I will get to run there twice in February and in Disneyland in January.  I can't wait.  Until is the trail.  Could be worse!
On another note, I signed Son #1 and I up for RUN THE GROVE 5k for this Saturday.  Finally, a fast race again.  Well maybe not so much  fast as opposed to less miles.  Can't wait.  Now I have to go train.  Until next time when I have nothing to really talk about. 
OH more thing...MY DALLAS COWBOYS BEAT THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS last night.  Still tied for first place Eagles fans!!!!  Can't wait for next Sunday!!!!!!
Heidi and Troy at a Halloween party a few years ago...


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