Thursday, September 19, 2013

What Really Happens on Race Day


I gave you the "real" race report the other day, now here is what really happens on race day.

4:20-Wake up because my husband told me the night before he was going to get up at 4:30.  I wouldn't want to wake up by means of an alarm clock so I wake up naturally at 4:20.

4:25-Head downstairs to start coffee and get things ready.  For the 12th time go through my bag to make sure I have everything-I do.

4:55-Head back upstairs to dress-decide that I really should take a quick shower-wouldn't want to be smelly before I run 13.1 miles.  I do draw the line at washing my hair though so I'm not completely ridiculous.  I also chose not to shave, but I did have an internal debate about it.

5:03-Get dressed in what I hope will be non-chafing clothes and warm enough before the race but also cool enough that I don't get too hot while racing.  

5:10-Back downstairs to drink coffee and get breakfast ready.  Since I have some spare time I better check my bag again-I may have forgotten something.

5:24-Head to garage with all my things to decide which sneakers I want to wear.  Stand around in garage hoping my ride will show up a few minutes early-it doesn't.

5:34-Start walking to Heidi's house to hurry the process along.  Stand in her foyer for a few minutes chatting-really can we talk in the car.

5:37-Pulling out of their driveway-considering who is driving and how this person is never on time we are not too late.

5:44-We almost made it one exit down the highway before phone rings and Heidi's child has changed mind and wants to join us.  After a brief discussion it is decided we will go back-my stomach starts churning.

5:51-Pulling out of driveway-take 2.

6:17-Pull into Wawa for our last potty break before the lovely port-o-pots.  

6:22-Back on the road-brief discussion about which would be the best way to get there.  Driver decides to follow the car of the person he talked to in Wawa-seems as good a bet as any!

6:35-Continue to follow stranger who may or may not be going to race-Driver pulls up beside car to make sure it's the same people-it is.  I'm glad we got that cleared up-makes me feel so much better that we are only following strangers-not complete strangers.  
Thank you stranger for getting us to our destination!

6:45-Arrive as close to our destination as we are going to get.  Have to hurry out of car since we are pulled over to side of random street-hope I have everything I need.

6:46-Brief discussion about whether or not we should use the nearby port-o-pots-line seems to long-lets keep going.

6:48-Buy a $3 water for Heidi who left hers in the car.

6:53-Find the real port-o-pots-Holy long line-should have used the other ones.  

7:07-Still waiting in line-take some pictures.
Whoever took this pic could have told us the lighting was awful!

7:21-Still waiting...

7:45-Head to corral to stretch and get ready-this is it people.

7:54-National Anthem Plays-I feel as if my shoes are not quite right, so I fiddle with those for awhile.

7:59-Start our slow walk to the starting line-I'm in corral 7 so fortunately I don't have too far to go.  Not loving the feel of my sneakers though-totally should have worn my other ones.

8:07-Here we go

9:35-This is really long, and I'm thirsty and my foot is starting to hurt.  People all around me are acting strange-we can be done anytime now...

10:04-Cross the finish line-that wasn't so bad, but I wonder where Justin is (the 16 year old)?

10:07-Walk through and grab some drinks and not much food because my hands are full-a bag would really be nice after a race.  Look around again for Justin and realize I will not find him anytime soon.

10:10-Text driver for first time and let him know that I have lost his son, but I can't really think about it right now, I need to sit down for a few minutes.

10:12-Find a place to sit and spend about 5 minutes trying to open a Gatorade-success.

10:17-Text driver to find out if son is found yet.  Text husband for my official time.  Realize that I may not have picked the perfect outfit after all-major chafing between my legs.

10:56-Still missing Justin-trying to decide if I want to head to our meeting spot which is close-by but really far because there happens to be a race going on.  Decide I have some time before Heidi finishes so I don't have to stress quite yet.  

11:01-Have a random conversation with a man who lost his bike lock.  At least you didn't lose your bike or a 16 year old-a lock is really not my concern so please stop asking me.

11:14-Start heading to our meeting spot.  But good Justin has been found so now I backtrack because I can officially celebrate with my free beer-it didn't seem right until Justin was found.

11:21-Wait for our other friend and head to beer garden-it was a good day!

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