Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I'm Back!!!!

So I know it has been a few months since I have posted anything on here.  I started my Princess Glass Slipper Challenge posts but then just stopped.  I am not sure why.  I think I was just a little tired of being injured and dealing with running and the horrible weather.  Since Princess, I have run The Hot Chocolate Race, The Hershey 10k and now Broad Street 10 Miler is on Sunday.  I am very excited for Broad Street!!   We also went to Boston to watch Kristen's husband run what else...The Boston Marathon.  That was extremely fun and inspirational.  More to come on that trip. 
I will finish my race reports in the next few days.  Kristen did a great recap of the Hot Chocolate Race.  Not a lot I can add to that one...plus she stole a couple of my photos.  Ha Ha. Until then,  let me tell you about what has been going on here in Southern Chester County.
So as  I have said before, when Kristen and I were watching the Disney Marathon back in January 2013, we made big plans.  I had never even run more than a 5k at this point, mind you.  So we saw all of the fast runners come in waiting for her husband.  When he left to go shower, my husband, Kristen and I went into Epcot to watch the rest of the runners.  We decided to have a few beers while watching.  That always makes for good planning.  We saw the end of the marathon.  I was like, "we can run this!!"  So the plan was hatched.  The year 2013 and 2014 were for getting ready and running half marathons.  Then in January 2015, we would run our first marathon.  RIGHT KRISTEN?????
So sign ups for the Disney Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k and 5k and The Dopey and Goofy Challenges started on Tuesday.  Everything is sold out except for the Marathon and Goofy Challenge which is the marathon and half marathon.  Guess who signed up???  ME!!  (and my friend April who has already run one marathon.)  And KRISTEN you ask??  Why didn't she sign up yet you ask??  Well here is the story.
You see, a few months ago Kristen decided to sign up for a marathon (without me I might add) in May...Memorial Day Weekend.  She started training.  The weather hasn't been the best for training here in PA and she was following a tough training plan.  As you probably already know, she has been somewhat injured.  Strangely enough, it is sort of the same injury as what I have been fighting for months.  Weird.  Anyway, she now doesn't know if she is running this marathon.  Although today I had to come to her rescue and give her some water and a GU while she was out on her long run.  So maybe that ship hasn't sailed yet.  Now Kristen doesn't want to sign up for Disney or any race until she knows she can run it.  Well KRISTEN....it might be sold out before you decide this nonsense.  Just saying.  So now she has deviated from our plan not once, but twice.  I do not want to run this marathon without the other Grumpy Runner.  I have almost convinced my friend, Heather, to run it though.  She did her first 10k in Hershey two weeks ago.  She should be fine for a marathon, don't you think??  Ha Ha.  You will Heather, I promise!!! 
Anyway, so if you all could kindly let Kristen know that she will be fine for a marathon in January, I would much appreciate it.  I mean what better place to run a marathon  but Disney?? 
Only it will say 2015...
(courtesy  of the Internet somewhere and RunDisney)
In all fairness, when we were in Boston and drinking a few Sam Adams' 26.2 beers I did let her off the hook and say we could do it in 2016 instead.  But then all these people were signing up and I didn't want to put it off another year.   So back to the original plan!!  Ha Ha 
All of the best plans start with this...  ha ha.
Other than that big news, nothing else is really going on here.  I ran 8 miles on Saturday to get ready for Broad Street.  I haven' run more than 6.2 miles since Princess.  Well it was a very long 8 miles.  And I got a huge blister for the first time in 2.25 years of running.  Broad Street might be a bit ugly for me but as usual, I am determined to do it.  So that is it for now.  The race reports will be posted soon.  Oh and thank you Kristen for keeping up the blog while I took a break.

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