Wednesday, April 2, 2014

FMD-Day 6-It really is starting to get easier...


I again did not lose any weight, but I feel as if I am catching on to this whole healthy eating thing.  I always thought that I ate fairly healthy, but nothing like this.  I have so much more energy and just feel better.  Normally, if I sit down to read with the kids in the afternoon, it's all I can do not to fall asleep.  I read to my daughter for almost an hour yesterday and didn't even think about being tired.  So the fact that I am not losing weight-not awesome, but the other benefits are outweighing it all.

Breakfast today was 2 eggs, spinach, and onion in a sprouted grain wrap and an apple on the side.  This is really a delicious and filling breakfast.  I was talking to my bff later and she was telling me about this smoothie she's been making that just fills her up.  It didn't completely fit into FMD, but I decided to give it a try anyway because it sounds so good and it's quite healthy so not a total loss.  I used 1/3 of a peeled cucumber, a nice big chunk of pineapple and a splash of OJ-abolutely heavenly! It did fill me up, which is really all I am looking for in life. 

My lunch was leftover chili-I could eat this for every meal!  I made another smoothie as my afternoon snack-same ingredients.  I was hungry by dinner, but it really was not appealing to me at all when I ate.  I had a chicken and veggie wrap and nice big salad to round out the meal.  I did not eat any fruit because I probably had enough with my smoothies.  The meal was filling, but it wasn't really what I was looking for in life. 

Overall,  a fairly successful day and besides a sugar craving here and there, it really does seem to be a bit easier.

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