Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1st....Holiday Running/Walking Streak

Heidi and Kristen
OK so in the December Runner's World, The Newbie Chronicles article talked about not gaining weight and doing a holiday running streak.  What is that you ask??  It means in order not to gain any weight, you run at least one mile every day from Thanksgiving through and including New Year's Day. 
Well so far, Kristen has done this.  I, however, have not.  I ran a turkey trot on Thanksgiving and today (Dec. 1st) I am running Brian's Run in West Chester with Kristen.  It is a 5 miler and I did not want to run in between for fear I would be in pain.
So I am going to make my running streak a December Running Streak.  From December 1st to January 1st.  Who would like to join us??  It is not too late to start!!!!
All you have to do is run at least one mile every day from today until January 1st.  If you are not a runner???  That is ok.  You can make your's a Walking Streak.  Just walk two miles every day from now until January 1st.  Or you can combine the two...running and walking.  Just do something every day. 
What do you get you ask??? NOTHING.  That's right.  NOTHING!!!  No extra weight!!!!  So everyday, go on the Grumpy Runners Facebook page and let us know how many miles you logged in.  We look forward to hearing from you!!!!

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