Day 13: Today I am extremely grateful my aunts, uncles and cousins on the Stinson side. My father's parents had 6 children in all, 4 of which lived to adulthood. Between the four siblings, they had 10 children, 7 cousins and 2 brothers for me to play with. I have such fond memories growing up with all of my cousins. My Aunt Nancy would host the best Christmas and 4th of July parties. I spent two summers with my cousin Karen, Aunt Nancy and Uncle George. They were two of my favorite summers for sure. We used to play hide and seek, tag, badminton and slew of other games that we could think of. It was a great childhood. I always looked forward to getting together with them a few times a year.
Now that we are all adults and have our own families, it is much more difficult to get together. My Uncle Dave and Aunt Jean recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Most of us, with our spouses showed up. It was so nice to finally get together where there was something happy to celebrate.
When my parents were sick in the hospital, I could always count on my relatives to show up. I can't thank them enough for being there for my brothers and I when we needed them the most, before they passed away. I am so lucky to have such a great family!!! Thank you all!!!
The Stinson Family September 2013

The Stinson Cousins...
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