Wednesday, April 2, 2014

FMD-Day 5-The day I can eat again


Thank goodness the weekend is over!  Phase 2 is really hard, partly due to the fact that I do not like to eat a whole lot of meat.  And really vegetables for that matter-joking!

Anyway, I'm guessing that due to the protein bar I did not lose any weight.  I'm not overly upset by this, but I feel like I starved for no reason, so we will see how the next few days go.  Today is a great day though, because I can again eat carbs and for the first time in 5 days fats are also added in-I can't wait!

I did not eat breakfast right away, and then when I did get around to it, I was a bit too hungry.  Life happens people.  Anyway, it ranks up there as one of the single most delicious meals of my life-that's what Phase 2 does to a body.  I had 2 eggs with onion, spinach, and olive oil in a sprouted grain wrap and an apple as my dessert.

One thing I have also noticed is my lack of overeating-another bonus to this diet I suppose.  I'm so concerned with staying on point that I don't dare put extra food in my mouth.  You are allowed to eat as many vegetables as you like, but I'm not that person who goes in search of extra vegetables.

I was avoiding my morning snack, because I wasn't thrilled with my choices-vegetable and fat/protein.  Hummus is what Heidi normally has, which I was pretty excited about.  Hummus and vegetable not so much.  Hummus and crackers/pretzels?  Yes please!  I pulled myself together and cut up a carrot and drowned it in hummus and it really wasn't so bad.  Maybe there is something to this eating healthy...

My lunch was chili and avocado-again delicious, rounded out with nice fresh pineapple.  I spent an hour on the trainer in the basement.  I repeated my hummus/carrot snack-not quite as tasty and also added in a few nuts as my afternoon snack. 

Dinner left me feeling hungry and unsatisfied.  I had a big salad and quite honestly it is now Wed. and I have no idea what else I ate.  I just remember being annoyed by what I was eating.

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